Adding Colour to Ready Meals
WMH inline industrial grilling units are designed to add colour to the top of ready meals and convenience foods without increasing the core temperature of the product. The specialised infrared heater panels provide even consistent heat across the width of the grill and the quick reaction time enables panels to be at optimum operating temperature almost instantaneously.
All WMH inline grill units as designed to suit the specific browning requirements of your product and the required throughputs for the line. Prior to specifying a unit WMH will carry out extensive product trials both at their test facility in Callington and onsite at your factory to determine the best size machine to achieve the required throughput and colouration of the product.
WMH grill units are designed specifically for a hygienic food production environment and can be fully cleaned, with insulated double panel access doors along both sides of the heating chamber and easily removable heater panel cassettes.
Product transport through the unit is via stainless steel flat-flex® wire belt, which offers high levels of hygiene and small transfer diameters at the infeed and outfeed of the grill.
Key features
WMH industrial inline infrared grills are:
- Suitable for use with foils, CPET or card traysSimple to operate with menu driven touch-screen operator controls
- Designed for in-line production
- Fully enclosed within an insulated enclosure
- Heating chamber fully accessible for cleaning and maintenance
- Removable under-trays
- Heater panels removable for cleaning
For more information on WMH grilling and browning please visit these pages:
Flexible Grilling for Vegetable Processing
Browning Potato Topped Products
For more information or to discuss a specific requirement please give one of our sales engineers a call on 01579 383788 or email enquiries@wmh-uk-ltd.com.

Typical applications
Cheese Topped Ready Meals | Shepherd’s Pie | Cheese Topped Jacket Potatoes | Sliced Raw Vegetables | Sugar Topped Desserts | Fish Pie | Crème Brûlée | Meat Joints | Blind Bake Pastry Cases
View our equipment in action